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General Information

Our School Day

Our school attendance policy encourages children to attend school regularly and punctually.   The school day starts at 9.20 a.m. and pupils are required to be at the school no later than 9.15 a.m. Junior and Senior Infants should be collected promptly at 2..00 p.m. to avoid disruption to remaining classes.   All other pupils should be collected at 3.00 p.m. 

  • Morning supervision of the yard is from 9.10am.  Please be aware that children on the school grounds before this time are unsupervised.

  • Reasons for pupil absences must be communicated in writing and will be retained by the school.  On return to school the child should give a written note to the class teacher which contains the child’s name, the dates of absence and reasons for absence.

  • No child is allowed to leave the school unaccompanied (to visit the doctor, dentist etc).  Pupils /parents should inform staff of appointments etc. which may lead to a child’s absence.

  • Breaks – the morning break lasts for ten minutes (11.00 – 11.10 a.m.) and lunch break lasts for half an hour (12.30 – 1.00 p.m.) Children are allowed time to eat

School Uniform

  • Navy jumper ONLY (available from the family store in Kilrush)

  • Red poloshirt, long or short sleeved 

  • Navy pants/skirt/pinafore

  • Tracksuits/shorts/sweatshirts when required for P.E. must be plain navy along with red polo Shirts

First Aid

In accordance with our school accident/injury policy, minor accidents/injuries are initially looked after by the teacher on yard duty.  If deemed necessary, the child will be taken to the office where first aid will be performed.  No medicines are administered but cuts are cleaned with anti-septic wipes and bandages/plasters applied if deemed appropriate.  Plastic gloves are used to reduce infection when treating cuts.  Parents are notified and children are advised to show/tell parents.  In the case of more serious accidents/injuries parents are contacted immediately.  The child is kept under intense observation until parents arrive, with the emphasis on making the child as comfortable and settled as possible.



Homework is given from Monday to Thursday in order to reinforce what the child learns during the day.  It is designed to be achievable – providing an opportunity to practice work already done. It helps to develop a child’s concentration skills as well as a good work ethic. Children are expected to do their homework to the best of their ability – no more, no less.

Homework provides a link between teacher and parent. Parents are encouraged to help their children with homework  by:

  • Providing them with a suitable place and time to do homework

  • Preventing interruptions and distractions

  • Providing help or further explanation only when the child has difficulty

  • Parents are asked to sign the homework journal / Infant homework sheet every evening.  Your signature means that you have checked that all homework is done and that a fair effort was made.

  • Homework should also give you some idea of what your child is doing in school.

Healthy Eating


Lunch is an important meal for school going children.  To promote healthy nutrition, Burrane NS  implements a policy regarding school lunches and snacks.  As we are all well aware, a healthy diet leads to a healthy body and mind and so we ask you to encourage a healthy lunch right from the start.
These items are suggested:

  • Meat (chicken, turkey, ham, beef etc.)

  • Fish (salmon, tuna etc.)

  • Cheese

  • Milk, yoghurts

  • Water,

  • Fruit (oranges/ satsumas,(peeled), apples, pears, plums, bananas, grapes etc.)

  • Vegetables (carrots, cucumber, celery, lettuce etc.)

These items are discouraged:​

  • Fruit Juices

  • Crisps

  • Peanuts

  • Sweets

  • Chocolate

  • Biscuits

  • No Fizzy Drinks allowed

A healthy packed lunch might contain, for example, bread or an alternative, a savoury filling which provides protein, a suitable drink and some fruit and/ or vegetables.
Pupils are encouraged to take their time to eat their lunch and to eat as much of it as possible.  All uneaten lunches will be sent home with the exception of fruit which will be composted.



We aim to create a positive learning environment that encourages and reinforces good behaviour.  Parents can co-operate with the school by encouraging their children to understand the need for school rules.  The school rules can be summed up as 6 main points:

  • Treat everyone and everything with Respect/Be nice

  • Do your best

  • Be tidy

  • Be safe

  • Walk

  • Listen

At the beginning of each academic year, the class teacher will draft a list of class rules with the children. These reflect and support the school rules, but are presented in a way that is accessible to the children.

A high level of co-operation and open communication is seen as an important factor in encouraging positive behaviour in the school. Parents are encouraged to talk in confidence to teachers about any significant developments in a child’s life, in the past or present, which may affect the child’s behaviour.

Internet Safety

Occasionally children will be allowed use the computers under the teacher’ supervision to view educational websites.   In line with current best practice, the Department’s filtering system ensures no inappropriate material is downloaded. 

Click on for more information.

Visitors and guests

All visitors to the school will have to be ‘buzzed-in’ by either the school secretary or a staff member.  Visitors will be met at the door and taken to the office where their query will be dealt with.

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