Re-opening September 2021
Click below to see updated information
Guidance on the use of face coverings in Primary schools 30-11-21
Dept of Education letter to Parents re Antigen Testing 25.11.2021
School Re-opening Plan 2021 - Click Here
Version 4 of the COVID 19 Response Plan as School Policy - Click Here
Reviewed Policy: Covid -19 Policy Statement
Department of Education: https://www.education.ie/en/covid-19/
Quick Isolation Guide: Isolation quick guide for parents and guardians of children older than 3 months and up to 13 years of age - Sept 2021
Symptoms: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/symptoms.html
Re-opening March 2021
Click below to see updated information.
See below for further information on COVID-19
Department of Education: https://www.education.ie/en/covid-19/
Symptoms: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/symptoms.html
Inspectors Visit 5th November
On the 5th of November our Department Inspector visited our school to advise on the implementation of the guidelines issued by the Department of Education. This visit provided assurance to the public that our school is a safe working and learning
environment for all while keeping inline with the Departments commitments under Circular 40/2020 (P) and
41/2020 (PP).
The visit was a very positive experience for all and we are glad to say that the school has taken all the necessary steps to provide a safe working and learning environment for us all.
Click below for Report.
Inspectors Report on Supporting the Safe Provision of Schooling
Re-opening our school September 2020
The Minister for Education published “The Roadmap for the Full Return to School” on the 27th July. It sets out what the operation of schools will look like and the range of supports which will be available in a COVID-19 context. See below for more information.
Letter to parents of 3rd August 2020
Letter to parents of 12th August 2020
Minister Foley has written to all parents on the publication of the Roadmap for re-opening schools.
Minister Foley's letter to parents
Covid - 19 Information
Dear Parents,
We have set up this page to help your children while the school is closed.
Our aim is to give a few ideas/suggestions that may make things easier on your child/children to help give them some structure and routine during the school closure. I know from personal experience how hard it is to keep children occupied at the moment now that school and afterschool activities have been cancelled!!!
Please Note that your child is not obliged to cover all this material. We certainly do not wish to put any pressure on any child to complete this work. These are simply suggestions to help and can be altered to suit your family. We all know that families are very busy minding children, grandparents and getting used to these abrupt and uncertain times we are in. So please don't put you or you child under any unnecessary stress to complete all academic work. Puzzles, lego, art activities, building forts, baking getting outside and sports are also excellent ways of getting through this tough time.
Top Tip!!
We know how hard it is to print sheets for your child/children so a copy might come in handy
1st - 6th - A copy for writing activities - Remember how we rule it correctly
1st - 6th - A copy for maths activities - remember how we rule it correctly
If you don't have a printer - maybe ask your older children draw up a schedule...
Upload images of your childrens work on the facebook page. Unfortunately your children cannot see their friends at the moment but this might be a nice way that they can share their creations with each other. We would also love to see any puzzles, art work or project work that your children are doing while school is closed..
All in Burrane N.S.
Click document to download
15th June 2020: Senior Room- Activities 15th-19th June
15th June 2020: Junior Room - Fun Activities 15th - 19th June
8th June 2020: Senior Room Homework 8th-12th June
2nd June 2020: 1st -3rd Homework 2nd -5th June
2nd June 2020: Juniors Homework 2nd - 5th June
2nd June 2020: Senior Room Homework 2nd- 5th June
25th May 2020: 1st - 3rd Homework 25th -29th May
25th May 2020: Juniors Homework 25th -29th May
25th May 2020: Senior Room Homework 25th -29th May
18th May 2020: Senior Room Homework 18th - 22nd May
18th May 2020: Juniors Homework 18th - 22nd May
18th May 2020: 1st - 3rd Homework 18th - 22nd May
11th May 2020: Senior room Homework 11th - 15th May
11th May 2020: Juniors Homework 11th - 15th May
11th May 2020: 1st -3rd Homework 11th - 15th May
5th May 2020: Juniors Homework 5th May - 8th May
5th May 2020: Senior room Homework 5th May - 8th May
27th April 2020: Senior room Homework 27th Apr - 1st May
27th April 2020: 1st - 3rd Homework 27th Apr - 1st May
20th April 2020: Jnr Infants Homework 27th Apr -1st May
20th April 2020: April News
20th April 2020:Senior Room Homework 20th - 24th April
20th April 2020: 1st - 3rd Homework 20th - 24th April
20th April 2020: Jnr Infants Homework 20th - 24th April
30th March 2020: Senior Room Homework 30th March- 3rd April
18th March 2020 ~~~Principals Note to children~~~
18th March 2020: Fun and free ways to learn from home
18th March 2020: Senior Room Homework week 23rd-27th March
18th March 2020: Home activities for older children
18th March 2020: Home activities for younger children
Useful Websites
www.khanacademy.org – I find this very useful!!
www.e-learningforkids.org - nice things on this website
www.rapidtyping.com – something new to learn!!
www.scoilnet.ie – great for project work
www.seomraranga.ie – great for project work
www.twinkl.ie – great for extra sheets - This is free for the time being - I have set up a school account that you can access. login details below.
user - burranens.ias@gmail.com
pass - Covid-19
www.dkfindout.com – excellent for project work and factual information